Announcing the Good Story Grant

I’m going to be honest with you guys. The situation I wrote about last week with an apology for a guest’s overly sales-focused behavior really got under my skin. In defending their actions, they wrote to me: “The reality is that there are always some people, especially writers, who are not used to webinars that sell product and think they are entitled to free content.”

Yes, writers do “think they are entitled to free content.” And they are! Imagine a writing teacher penalizing writers for trying to learn. Writers deserve help to get where they want to go. That has been my mantra for the last decade.

With all of this negativity swirling around, I decided to channel my frustration into something good. And so, I’m announcing the Good Story Grant! That’s right. I’ve been giving writers encouragement and knowledge for my entire career, now I’m straight-up giving money away. 💸💸💸

good story company, storytelling, writers

Good Story Grant

I’m giving away a cash prize of $2,000 to one eligible writer who has a project in mind where money would make a difference. What I want to know is:

  • what the project is
  • what the timeframe is
  • what the deliverable would be

Make your case with a personal essay and two letters of recommendation about you as a writer, or you as a motivated, creative person. Easy peasy. You don’t have to live in the US, but you must be able to accept funds in PayPal and be 18 years old as of the grant deadline.

Please learn more about the Good Story Grant here!

I’m taking applications the end of January, and a winner will be announced on Valentine’s Day because all you need is love, right? (To all supporters of writers: I’m also accepting donations from any interested parties on the page linked above, if you want to help me flesh out this grant or make the Good Story Grant an ongoing—rather than annual—event.)

6 Replies to “Announcing the Good Story Grant”

  1. This is incredibly generous. Thank you so much for offering this opportunity to writers. Whether indie or traditional, publishing a book is so expensive and every dollar helps.

  2. Lisa Reiss says:

    This is amazing, thank you, Mary. To be honest, I couldn’t get through that webinar. Once there’s something they’re selling it’s all they discuss. I turned it off shortly after it began.

    I appreciated your apology, but it’s not necessary. You couldn’t have known they’d pull that. I also appreciate all you do for writers! I’ve been following you for a long time. 🙂 ~ Lisa

  3. This is amazing! Thank you, Mary. For this, and all you do for the writing community. Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Carol Coven Grannick says:

    What an extraordinary gesture. Thank you!

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