Big Sur Writing Workshop

My darling readers, hello! I loaded up some content and have had the blog set up on auto-post for about a week, so it feels wonderful to actually be writing to you “live.” If you want some food-related details from my trip to Japan (I’ll do a larger round-up for the trip on here, as well, but probably after I get back), you can check out my foodie blog, Chowlit.

Right now I’m in Hong Kong, getting ready for my one-on-one critiques with the members of Hong Kong’s SCBWI chapter. How exciting! I just flew in last night and can’t wait for my first real taste of the city (I’m writing this from an airport hotel, so I haven’t really been “outside” yet).

Before I rush off to breakfast (a weird idea for those of you reading this on Thursday afternoon), let me remind you that it’s officially that time again. Sure, it’s time to put in your 1,667 daily NaNoWriMo words, but I mean something else here: it’s time to sign up for Andrea Brown Literary Agency’s Big Sur Writing Workshop!

There is still space available for this year’s December 2-4th, 2011 weekend at the beautiful Big Sur Lodge. Fabulous faculty include Jennifer Hunt, VP and Editorial Director for Penguin Group/Dial Books, Diane Landolf, Senior Editor at Random House Books for Young Readers, Melissa Manlove, Editor at Chronicle Books, NYT Bestselling author, Ellen Hopkins and award-winning author Carolyn Marsden. Not to mention the wonderful agents from the Andrea Brown Literary Agency (if I don’t say so myself)!

The conference takes place at the gorgeous Big Sur Lodge in the majestic redwoods of the Northern California coast. During a Big Sur weekend, you get intense, hands-on feedback for your work, a chance to meet editors and ABLA agents, and the feeling that you’re on a writing retreat in one of the most serene and inspiring places on the planet. Plus, my colleagues and I will be there, with bells on, to welcome you to our favorite weekend of the year.

You can find more information on the weekend here. If you can’t make the December Big Sur, we are also meeting in Monterey the weekend of March 2-4th, 2012.

9 Replies to “Big Sur Writing Workshop”

  1. Such a stellar event! Sorry I won’t be able to be there this year. I had such a great experience last year. I encourage everyone to attend, if you can.

  2. I’m going this year and I can’t wait! Let the countdown begin 🙂

  3. I’ll be there too. I watched your pitchfest at the Pink Taco in LA. Very motivating, and just a tad intimidating. Looking forward to meeting you at Big Sur.

  4. Stephanie Garber says:

    I wish I could go again this year! Last year was so great! For any of you thinking about going to Big Sur, you should, it’s worth it!

    And the food is great too!

  5. Can’t make it this year, but next year my Christmas wish list will include a plane ticket out to California.

    My current Christmas wish is that ya’ll will do more stuff on the East Coast.

    Have an awesome time in Hong Kong!

  6. Adele Richards says:

    Hope you’re having a wonderful time xx

  7. Janet Smith says:

    I am SO looking forward to Big Sur and to meeting up with you and the other agents, editors, and writers. In such a beautiful place, too.

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