Happy 2015!

As you’re all celebrating with friends and family this holiday season, I want to thank you for being a part of my life and reading the blog. It will be six years of writing on Kidlit.com for me this February. Wow! This year I have had a lot to be thankful for. I’ve doubled my editorial business and am working with some truly amazingly talented writers to help their dreams come true. Several writers have gotten agents this year, and one is on the way to a publishing deal, fingers crossed.

I’m looking for ways to grow and change in 2015 as a small business owner and freelance editor. We’ll see what new ideas I might have to provide even better services to my clients. I’m also going to be updating my pricing structure in January, so if you’ve been on the fence for a while about hiring me or your project is near completion, now is the time!

In fact, to help you get a jump on your 2015 resolutions, I’m extending an offer of 15% off all of my services on my freelance editorial website (marykole.com). Mention this blog post when you email me through January 5th (midnight Central time) and let’s get you on the calendar!

2 Replies to “Happy 2015!”

  1. Christina C. says:

    thank YOU Mary for being an awesome awesome writing instructor – which is exactly what your blog has been to me over the years, with all your wonderful advice.

  2. I’m new to your book and blog this year, but I have to say, Mary, you have been an INCREDIBLE guide for me into the new (to me) world of YA fiction. Your book is my Bible, I’ve read it through twice so far and see another reading in my near future. I’m so happy your business is growing wings (most definitely deserved) and I hope to be able to hire you at some point in my career as well. Many blessings to you for the new year!

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