After a great weekend at the Kansas SCBWI conference with Jay Asher, Arthur Levine, and many more talented faculty and writers, I’m back in NYC for Hurricane Sandy. Some people with flights out yesterday were stranded, so I made sure to take one at 6:30 a.m. just to get back home. Now, despite being very close to the evacuation zone here in Brooklyn, both me and my boyfriend are hunkering down for a cozy day.
Just an update on WRITING IRRESISTIBLE KIDLIT, it seems like it is shipping from Amazon now, in addition to being available from the Writer’s Digest Shop. If you see the book “out in the wild” at a brick and mortar bookstore, I would love it if you could take a picture and send it to me via email or on Facebook. If you have read the book and loved it, please tell your writing friends, and (if you are feeling really ambitious) leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads to help spread the word.
I’m thinking of getting some labels printed for “bookplates” to sign and mail around to people who want a signed copy of the book but aren’t nearby. Would any of you take advantage of that?
Back to our regular programming on Wednesday…
I’ve been thinking about you all weekend. Please stay safe!
It’s shipping already?? Awesome!! I’ve been looking forward to your book for awhile. I’ll keep my eyes open for it out in the wild! 🙂
‘Book plates’ seems like such an excellent idea. It would even work for ebooks. Wonder why no one has done it before?
I would love a signed book plate. What a sweet idea! I’ll suggest to our small bookstores that they carry your book. So glad you made it home safely.
Hi Mary,
Can you recommend some sites/bloggers/resources for lower end MG? (I’ve been exploring the 4000 word range novel and the 15,000 one. But wondering where I can find more info/resources or even bloggers. Thanks. And sorry if this is a silly question. I ask those sometimes 🙂
Hi Mary,
I would love a bookplate. My book is coming next week. Can’t wait! I’ll watch for it in stores in upstate NY.
I just received my copy from Writer’s Digest today. I am so excited to read it!
Can you sign a Kindle version?! Mine is due to arrive 6th November.
Superstorm Sandy is crazy. I hope you’re okay! I would love a bookplate! I can’t wait for my book to arrive. I got a notice from Amazon that it shipped, so maybe today!!!
Hi Mary, I would love a signed bookplate. My copy arrived yesterday. Hooray! I will leave a review on Amazon and/or Goodreads after I dig in and start reading.
So glad to know you’re safe and sound!
I can’t wait to see your book. Meanwhile, thanks so much for the terrific interview Esther posted on our blog today. To celebrate, we’re offering a giveaway of the 2013 Children’sWriter’s & Illustrator’s Market, which includes your articles: “Crafting a Query” and “Building Your Author Platform.”
I would love a signed sticker for the copy of your book. I ordered it off Amazon and am looking forward to getting it.
Hi Mary, I would love a signed bookplate. My copy should arrive from Amazon this week. Hurray!
I would love a signed copy. I tried at the local Barnes & Noble in Metairie, LA and they said they will have the book by December. Boo- hiss, but at least it will make a great X-mas present to myself.