With the proliferation of paranormal and fantasy writing on the market, I need a lot of clues when I start reading a manuscript about whether or not I’m in the real world or an augmented version. Most readers will not have the benefit of a query letter or synopsis when sitting down to read. They may also be picking up an ebook or library-bound version where the cover (often a reliable source of hints about paranormal content) isn’t going to be front and center. (Note: I’m using the terms “fantasy” and “paranormal” interchangeably here to mean “story elements that do not usually exist in realistic fiction.”)

There’s More to Fantasy Writing Than Introducing the Fantasy Element
For example, imagine that speaking dogs are the extraordinary element in your fantasy writing. You’ve read advice (perhaps even mine) about introducing the fantasy premise early on so that the reader knows what kind of story they’re diving into. Excellent. So in the first chapter, you have a dog open up and say something in perfect English. Your work here is done, no?
Well, there’s a lot more to it than simply introducing the fantasy part of the story. Now that the reader’s antennae are up that there’s something odd afoot, you have an opportunity for worldbuilding. Most writers miss this opportunity when they’re writing fantasy. The missing piece is often what happens immediately AFTER the introduction of the paranormal element. That’s what actually teaches us about what kind of world you’re creating.
Match Character Reactions to the World You’re Creating
The two most common types of world in fantasy writing are: the kind where something strange is possible and happens all the time and the kind where something strange is possible but happens very rarely (which is often what launches the story). In HARRY POTTER, for example, the Muggle world is flooded by owls and everyone freaks out! It turns out that a world where the paranormal is pedestrian is finally meeting the world where nothing strange ever happens. All because of one boy.
In our dog example, here are two reactions that correspond with the types of worlds listed above. For a world where something strange is pedestrian, it’s:
Dog: You know, I would rather fancy some of that bacon you’re cooking.
Protagonist: Oh, shut it, Scraps. I’m sick of your begging.
If you’re writing fantasy where something strange is an unexpected event:
Dog: You know, I actually detest belly rubs. That spot behind my ear, however…
Protagonist: (jumps back, looks around, looks back to dog) Scraps? Did you just…talk?
Fantasy Writing Tip: Anticipate Reader Questions
The reactions here are key to the reader’s understanding of how widespread your fantasy twist is. Once you’ve gone ahead and introduced the paranormal element, the reader’s next question is going to be, “Okay, so is this a big deal or just part of everyday life?” Go ahead and answer so that you can ease them into your world in a way that follows, naturally, what they want to know about it. Proper worldbuilding in fantasy writing often means anticipating a reader’s questions and answering them so that they’re not stuck wondering something important and, as a result, pull themselves out of the narrative.
In unrelated news, my book was written up along with a slew of other writing guidebooks in the D.C./Virginia Mid-Atlantic SCBWI newsletter by Dionna L. Mann. SCBWI members who are logged into the SCBWI website can access the wonderful newsletter here.
Are you writing fantasy? With my fiction editing services, you’re investing in an expert set of eyes to review your fantasy elements. I’ll point out areas that need improvement, and give you actionable steps to get there.
Your posts are always so sharp and compel me to go back and refine my work. Thank you for taking the time to write them. Your clients are lucky people to have your eyes on their manuscripts. Your posts alone challenge me to be a better writer. Thank you so much.
Great post. Thanks! I did good, got those elements in early.
Dear Mary, thanks for this. I’m reading “The Golden Compass” for the first time and think the whole daemon thing is wonderful. In the first sentence, you get the word daemon, and then Pullman really does exactly what you are describing with worldbuilding—he answers all my questions about daemons slowly and steadily throughout.
Anticipating readers questions is the hardest part for me. That’s what betas are for : )
Beyond what you’ve mentioned, do you see any common writing flaws or weaknesses with fantasy/paranormal elements? (i.e. not giving origins of powers or creatures etc.)
In my MG fantasy novel-in-progress ‘Eliza Twitchel and the Haunted Forest’, a 12 yr. old girl discovers Faerie creatures have taken residence in the old growth forest behind her house. I originally showed her coping with everyday problems before introducing any fantasy elements. Now I’ll have to go back and see if I can introduce those elements earlier. Thanks for the post.
Thanks for the post. I’ll have to remember the whole how do regular people react to magic in my books.
My 13 year-old son and I co-author a MG urban fantasy series. We introduce the magical elements on page one – not everything of course. We ususally have the main character, Mason Davis, upset about something and that makes his magical powers a bit unpredictable.
If anyone is interested, check out our adventures, Mason Davis and the Rise of the Storm Makers, on Amazon.