What’s the Buzz?

I am heading into BEA today. Excuse the lazy post but BEA week is always crazy. What are the ARCs you most want to see?

I’ve already read MATCHED, which is a dystopian book that went to auction with seven publishers bidding. What are the other hot reader books you want to know about?

19 Replies to “What’s the Buzz?”

  1. I’m looking forward to reading MOCKINGJAY, and I’m sure I’m not alone.

    I would love to hear about what’s happening in YA and MG other than the dystopian stuff. Anything unexpected?

    Enjoy BEA!

  2. I’m most excited about Robin McKinley’s latest, PEGASUS. That cover is beautiful, and since it’s McKinley, I *know* the writing inside will be eve better.

  3. Definitely excited for MATCHED. Definitely looking forward to MOCKINGJAY. And what about Kiersten White’s PARANORMALCY?

  4. I’m definitely looking forward to MATCHED.

    And also Erin Bow’s PLAIN KATE — the first chapter on her website reads amazing.

  5. I’m dying to read MOCKINGJAY (who isn’t?) and LINGER.

    I know it’s going to be tough, but do try to have a good time at BEA. 😉

  6. I want to read I AM NUMBER FOUR, The DUFF, HALO…so many great books coming…oy!

  7. The 3rd book in Henry H. Neff’s Tapestry series. It was supposed to be out Sept. Then, March. My entire family read books 1 and 2 early last year. Its middle grade and my kids are growing up, losing interest.

    This problem seems common in fantasy series- Paolini and Martin both had long delays leading to rambling books that didn’t end the series. We lost interest. That’s why I always wonder when agents say- don’t tell me about the others books- just sell the first. As a disgruntled fan, I had my ending done, all ends tied up, before I begun querying.

  8. I’m really looking forward to the YA releases of YOU, SORTA LIKE A ROCK STAR, THE REPLACEMENT, and FIVE FLAVORS OF DUMB.

    And Alan Goldsher’s Zombie/Beatles book? PAUL IS UNDEAD is killer awesome. Look for it in June.

  9. I absolutely want to read The Duff. I heard that it was compared to Catcher in the Rye at the Editors’ Buzz panel. 🙂

  10. I’ll throw in. . . Kate Messner’s MG SUGAR AND ICE.

  11. LINGER was good. The saga took an unexpected turn and some new voices added to the richness of the storytelling.

    I am clamoring for a copy of YOU. (And I blame queryshark for stirring up the waters!)

    HAVOC, the sequel to the MG novel/graphic novel MALICE is also high on my list…

  12. I can’t wait to get my hands on MOCKINGJAY; I put in a request at my library weeks ago, even though it hasn’t been released yet. I hate waiting! I’m also looking forward to LINGER.

  13. All — MOCKINGJAY is coming in August and Scholastic is NOT doing ARCs or galleys at either BEA or ALA. They don’t need to…there’s enough buzz for the book as is!

  14. MOCKINGJAY, THE DUFF, MATCHED, PARANORMALCY, just to name a few…there are a ton of books I’m looking forward to.

  15. I am really excited for Infinite Days!!! Anyone know what the release date is on that?

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