Here’s a common question about query letter formatting. From reader Lyla:
I have a question on formatting a query letter. Many of the agents whose blogs I subscribe to have mentioned that they prefer the ‘hook’ first and then personalization later on in the query, while as many have said that they prefer the personalization first. I’m assuming this is just a preference thing, so I was just wondering, Ms. Kole, which do YOU prefer?

As I have said before, there is a lot of undue anxiety about formatting a query letter, and even more undue anxiety about queries in general. As long as you have all the elements of a query letter — query meat, bio, query personalization, vital statistics (word count, whether or not it’s a simultaneous submission, contact info, etc.) — you’re fine to arrange them in whatever way you want. If you need some guidance on query basics, check out my post on how to write a query letter.
Common Types of Query Letter Formatting
Query meat, personalization, bio, stats
Personalization, query meat, bio, stats
The query letter formatting that I prefer is completely a matter of personal taste. I’ve seen both of the above. I’ve seen queries that lead with the bio. I’ve seen queries that lead with the stats (though this is probably the most rare). I’ve seen queries that follow no logic that I can possibly comprehend. I’d say that you should stick with one of the above and you’ll be just fine. There are as many ways of formatting a query letter as there are agents…and writers.
Feeling unsure about your query letter format, synopsis, or manuscript? Hire me as your freelance editor and we can work on your submission materials or dig deeper into your picture book, novel, or non-fiction proposal together.
It’s kind of pathetic that as writers, we are so obsessed with the query. When it comes down to it, a query is not that difficult to write. Agents are people too (right?) and as long as the query is well written and a good representation of an even better story, we could save ourselves a lot of antacid not stressing about some of these nit-picky details.
I only wish that were true; however I have both heard of and know a few editors/agents who have gotten so used to having things done “just the way they want them” that they auto-reject anything that’s not done in their specific font or format.
Now, admittedly, I think some of these stories are exaggerated, and others are used as excuses for why a story/novel didn’t get picked up. At the same time, I know too many people who – when in some position of authority – get a bit full of themselves.
Agents and editors have been, for many years, the gatekeepers of the publishing world and eager writers by the score have been trying to please them. This is bound to go to some people’s heads.