
Big News and Big Sur!

We still have space available at the Andrea Brown Literary Agency’s Big Sur workshop that’s happening March 2nd to the 4th in beautiful Monterey, CA. Guest editors this time around include the fabulous Lisa Yoskowitz of Disney-Hyperion, Sharyn November of Viking/Penguin, and Julie Romeis from Chronicle Books. We’ve also got film agent Brandi Rivers from Magnet Management in Los Angeles if you’re writing a screenplay or are otherwise interested in Hollywood. If you’re writing anything from picture books to young adult, come on down and hone your craft with four intensive hands-on workshops throughout the weekend. Learn more about the weekend and register here.

As for me, I’m up to something hands-on and intensive before Big Sur weekend. I’m not quite ready to make the big announcement yet, but you should be able to guess my news from these pictures. Here’s the first clue that I posted to my Twitter back in October. It’s me mailing something very important:

Hmm. What could it be? Here’s a new clue. This is what’s my desk looks like these days:

Actually, that’s a lie. My desk is nowhere near this orderly. I cleaned it up a little for the photo. Either way, I’m getting away from the point. I’ll do a proper reveal of my news in a few weeks, but I think you can figure out what I’m working on. Just for the hell of it, the first person to guess correctly in the comments will win…whatever this project might be…whenever it’s available! 😉

31 Replies to “Big News and Big Sur!”

  1. A cookbook you authored?

  2. Carmella — I WISH! But a cookbook authored by me would go like this, “I think recipe writing is really difficult so here’s a list of cookbooks that are by actual chefs who I love, so go buy those.” Then about 200 pages of pictures of random stuff. It would not sell well, I don’t think.

    All: Here’s another hint…


  3. Hmmm… could it be a memoir? Or some non-fiction “how to write and/or sell kid-lit” book you authored?

  4. Kidlit is being turned into…a ‘How to Write’ book? OR you’re editing a new manuscript from a new client?

  5. A guide to the YA industry?

    Possibly the guidelines for a proposed workshop/convention in that industry.

  6. MoltenNotebook says:

    An edited manuscript, Scrivener on the laptop screen, a trip to the post office … could it be a book about writing for children?

  7. Melissa K says:

    You’re publishing a collection of essays on writing craft?

    (By the way, I’d buy that…)

  8. Jesse — DING DING DING! I mean…I will neither confirm nor deny. Email me by November to claim your prize. 😉

    (Jesse was the first to mention the answer, though Teresa, Gwen (kinda), MoltenNotebook, and Melissa are all on the same wavelength…)

  9. Woo-hoo! I finally won something. That makes up for not winning the $326 million powerball over the weekend. (Kind of.)

  10. Are you writing a book about writing, getting an agent or a screenplay!?!

  11. Oh heck! I didn’t read all the comments before mine. Looks like I’m too late…lol…Well, at least I was in the ball park. Ha!

  12. Love it! Best of luck with this!

  13. Wow, that’s super awesome news…ah, I mean, *alleged news* 😀 Can’t wait to hear more about it. And read it, of course!


  14. Amanda F. says:

    I hope you’ll let all your blog readers know how we can get our hands on an autographed copy when it’s published because if it’s as helpful as the tips and lessons on this blog, you know we’re gonna want a copy… Hot off the presses! Way to go, Mary! 🙂

  15. Great! Seriously, I think we´ve all been waiting for this.
    Can´t wait to read it 🙂

  16. Thank you so much, y’all! I’m very excited about this news, but even more excited to finish it and turn the darn thing in already!!! Two weeks left…

  17. Lindsay Ward says:

    Congrats Mary!! I’m so excited for you! Ps, I like your postcard 😉

  18. Yes, I think all your loyal blog followers will be first in line to get a copy of this, including me!

  19. Lindsay — Hehe, thanks! I was hoping you’d see it. As I said, I sort of rearranged my desk before taking the photo. I really wanted to include a) my hipster Brooklyn glasses, b) my invitation to your book release (was it fun, BTW?), and c) my mug from the Culinary Institute of America. All things that mean a lot to me. 🙂

  20. Oooh another writing craft book. Super!
    I live in France, but was lucky enough to attend Lisa Yakowitz’s workshop when she was here. It was really well presented. She’s so amiable and CLEAR.

    I’m looking forward to the next master class I attend too.

  21. Michele — I’ll be speaking for the Paris SCBWI on March 10th! Also, I love Lisa. Her and I did, I think, five conferences together in 2011. She’s great.

  22. Wow! This is great. Really looking forward to it, Mary.

  23. Can’t wait for that one….after attending your PB webinar I’ll buy anything you do on kid lit. When will it be ready…..drool, drooooollll…droooolllll….?

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