Blog Help and Critique Connection

Is there anyone out there who knows how to make an RSS feed…RSS? I have been told by many people that my RSS feed does not do what it should. Now, I will admit ignorance and say that I have no idea how to make it work. Is there anyone out there that can explain it to me like I’m five or go under the hood of my WordPress self-hosted blog for a quick minute?

In other news, there are still people popping up on Critique Connection, so if you are searching for a partner still, check out the most recent entries in the comments here. Several writers have already emailed me to thank me for successful matches. Yay!

9 Replies to “Blog Help and Critique Connection”

  1. I may have a solution. I’m sending you an email now.

  2. Really?

    I just saw this come into my reader which subscribes to your RSS feed. What should it be doing that it isn’t doing?

  3. I also read this post in my reader which subscribes to your RSS feed.

  4. I subscribe to your RSS feed and mine works fine. It might be their browser. The feed is fine on Firefox…

  5. Will Overby says:

    I’ll echo the above sentiments and say that the feed comes through fine for me, and I’m using IE.

  6. I can’t help, I’m clueless, but thanks for sharing your issues with us. I thought I was the only one who didn’t receive your blogs despite having subscribed (or whatever you call it) to the RSS thing. Okay, happy it’s being addressed.

  7. Molten Notebook says:

    Your feed has always looked fine in Feedly (and in the late, lamented Google Reader). Maybe the folks who are having problems can give us more information — the browser, the reader they’re using, the nature of the problem.

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