Middle Grade and Young Adult Webinar This Thursday

This Thursday, February 9th, I’ll be teaching a Middle Grade and Young Adult Craft Intensive webinar at 1 p.m. Eastern.

This 90-minute webinar will focus exclusively into the craft of writing fiction for the middle grade and young adult audience. I’ll talk about the marketplace, strategies to really make your novel stand out in the slush, character, plotting, tension, description, setting, voice, submissions, queries, and much more. This is only the second time I’m teaching this webinar that’s specific to MG and YA novel writers, so if you missed the one I gave in September, this is your chance to hear it. You can sign up by clicking here.

The personalized benefit of my webinars, as many of you already know, is that they include a critique from me for every registered student. For this one, I will read and critique the first 500 words of your MG or YA novel (one project per student, please). Instructions for submitting will come when you register for the webinar.

If you’re having scheduling issues with the time or date, don’t worry. You don’t need to be available on the exact time and date to still benefit. By signing up, you will receive a recording of the webinar (emailed about one week after the original webinar date), you will have the same chance to ask questions as the other students, and you will still get your critique. So sign up even if this Thursday doesn’t work for you!

7 Replies to “Middle Grade and Young Adult Webinar This Thursday”

  1. I’ve been looking forward to this!

  2. Amelia Kynaston says:

    Mary–I am very interested in this webinar. My first chapter is 760 words. I’m wondering if I can pay double and have the whole chapter critiqued. Or, if that’s not possible, if I can at least submit all 760 words, knowing that only the first 500 will be critiqued? Thank you!

  3. I took this webinar last time she offered it, and I’m giving a full-on testimonial that it is worth every cent.

    I attend writer’s conferences regularly, but I get tired of presenters that skim the surface with the same cliche topics. Mary Kole packs in a ton of really useful, in-depth, and substantial information.

    The 500 page critique was also extremely informative.

  4. Amelia — There’s no system set up to pay double, and I’m afraid I cannot critique more than 500 for any one student because I want to be fair to everyone else. Even though it will do nothing for you to send 760 words instead of 500, because, again, I have to respect the 500-word limit and be fair to all, you can still send the entire chapter should you so desire.

  5. Sorry Mary, That should have said 500 WORD critique.

    I’m sure you’re not up for critiquing 500 pages for everyone!

  6. Anne Osmer says:

    Mary, I enjoyed the webinar, thanks! I learned a lot. It flew by!

  7. Mary, your webinar was great! I really felt inspired afterward, and I walked away with a lot of new ideas to apply to my manuscript. I’m looking forward to sending you my 500 words–right after I make some changes!

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