

screen-shot-2010-09-01-at-74143-amTo keep up with my other book review this week (and since book reviews are much easier to write when you’re trying to leave for vacation and make sure the blog is all stocked up with posts!), here is another book review, this time of WRITING GREAT BOOKS FOR YOUNG ADULT by literary agent Regina Brooks.

This is, quite frankly, the book I wish I’d written. It covers everything from character to plotting to getting published.

The scope of this book is much larger, so there’s not as much deep focus on the writing craft itself, but you do gain really valuable insights from the publishing world, as Regina contacted editors all across the children’s books spectrum to contribute thoughts and mini-essays on the topics at hand. So not only do you get to hear her take on it, but you get to hear how editors talk and think on the subject, too.

I think Regina’s advice on plotting is definitely worth a read. Since she’s an agent, she takes a more commercial bent in giving writing tips. And this book is specifically geared to people writing for the young adult market, so all of her writing advice squares well with the quirks needs of teen readers and of YA publishing.

I’ve been meaning to crow from the rooftops about this book for a while, and I’m glad to finally be starting up my non-fiction reviews, as this one definitely deserves a shout out. It’s a quick read, with writing advice and even a few prompts to get you thinking. And it comes from an agent, so all of the tips are geared in a direction that will make your YA fiction more saleable. This is a solid resource, especially great if you’re diving into YA and want an overview, but meaty enough where YA veterans will also find depth and new perspectives.

If you’re planning on seeking it out, it was published by Sourcebooks in 2009. The ISBN # is: 978-1402226618.

13 Replies to “Reading for Writers: WRITING GREAT BOOKS FOR YOUNG ADULTS”

  1. More good stuff. I love a good writing book and I don’t have this gem. Thanks!

  2. I read this book just last month. Highly recommended, especially for beginners.

  3. Thank you for the recommendation. Will definitely check it out. Have a great trip.

  4. I just bought this book on Amazon thanks to your recommendation 🙂 Looking forward to reading it!

  5. Wow. I’m going to have to pick this up. I’ve been looking for a comprehensive guide to everything YA. Thanks for the recommendation, Mary!

  6. Sounds great — I just ordered it. Thanks for the recommendation!

  7. What an excellent recommendation! Thank you for the valuable resource.

  8. Thanks for the recommendation, Mary. This is one I’ll definitely add as a resource. Have a great trip!

  9. Jen Zeman says:

    Bought this book and have highlights and Post-it flags all over it! It definitely helped me hone in on my YA voice.

  10. Lea Zeqiri says:

    Thanks, I saw this book reviewed somewhere else but still hadn’t coughed up the cash. Going to do that now.

  11. My copy was shipped out on Sunday! Yay! Can’t wait for it to arrive!

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