Welcome to Kidlit.com!

A site for writers, readers and fans of children’s literature written by Mary Kole, associate agent at Andrea Brown Literary Agency!

32 Replies to “Welcome to Kidlit.com!”

  1. I found your wish list interesting, because it doesn’t reflect the sort of books on MY wish list! Granted, I’m looking for books to please the students at my school, but I would have expected a couple of similar wishes. The biggest need I have is for a book about skateboarders that isn’t preachy or filled with misunderstood children. It was fun reading your blog!

  2. Ms. Yingling — The wonderful thing about publishing is that there are books for almost every type of reader out there. I hope you find a great skateboarding book for your students!

  3. I was interested in your wish for a YA or MG set in a theater. I am assuming this is a legitimate theater, not a movie theater. Would you be interested in a child actor?

  4. Narda — You mean a book about a child actor? Sure, I could take a look. And yes, the spelling “theatre” instead of “theater” usually implies the stage.

  5. That’s so interesting – I’d never noticed that distinction before. I’m a Brit in the USA and as such am very used to having to change all my ‘re’ words to ‘er’ (ie centre/center), but I didn’t know that theatre and theater had two separate definitions over here. Someone once said that England and America were two countries divided by a common language. With American step-kids, I can only say ‘how true’! I love this site and I’m so glad I found it. Thank you.

  6. Sue — I was a theatre and English major in college, so we performing “artistes” got very touchy about the proper spelling. 🙂

  7. And in Australia, our spelling is based on the original English (?) rather than American english, with more than a few of our own colloquialisms added into the mix, of course.
    What a wonderful language English is!

  8. Hello there! This is a fantastic blog! (I check it often for tips and pointers.)

    Anyway, I saw your wish list and wanted to ask, any interest in a YA paramormal thriller with shapeshifters?

    Again, thanks for the advice!! 🙂

  9. Laura — Sure, send a query my way!

  10. Mary, thanks for hosting such a wonder site. As an aspiring always seeking guidance and mentoring, I appreciate you taking the time to share. A friend posted a link to your contest for our group, and on a lark, I followed it. I’m glad I did. Thanks.

  11. Mary – I am currently in the midst of editing my second novel, Go. Gently. It follows two teenagers, Brett and Ed, as they deal with the tragic death of someone extremely important to each of them in a drunk driving accident. The two struggle to deal with their grief in ways that will be considered acceptable by the people of Wendall, a southern town which diligently maintains the traditions passed down from generation to generation, a town where identity is constructed for you. But as each of them discover what it means to be left behind, they begin to realize maybe the accident was no accident at all.

    The novel deals with both drug use and sex. I was wondering if when I finish editing I could send you a query letter? I did not want to “junk up” your mailbox if this was something you were not interested in at this moment. I know you have a ton to read.

  12. Pauline Chapman says:

    Re Sheryl’s comment that English is a great language I can only agree. My regret is that sadly with less emphasis in schools these days on the rules of grammer and correct use of the language, many people in Britain are unable to speak or write that great language as it ought to be spoken or written.

  13. I will be sending my in later today. Looking forward to the experience of seeing who you select. It will be my first submission in this arena (have had some poetry published and professional articles). Thank you for taking the time to put this contest out there.

  14. Mary, I just linked you from my livejournal. (elfmama.livejournal.com/) Finally found how to do it.
    Squee! You can teach old dogs new tricks.

  15. Mary, I enjoyed reading the winners for your novel beginning contest very much! I have already revised my own beginning and like it much better! Congrats to all the winners.

  16. Beautifully done. Congratulations to Mary (the winner)! This is a great segment. I hope a publisher picks it up so I can read more.

    Thanks Mary (the agent) for hosting this contest. It’s been so educational and helpful. Not to mention fun.

  17. I just noticed the teenie smiley face at the bottom of each page. 😀

  18. Hello Mary,
    I am curious about your “wish list,” as well. I’m currently reading, LOVE, AUBREY, which is edited by one of my favorite dream editors. I’m not finished reading, but it seems like a “quiet” story in today’s “high concept” market. Obviously the voice is amazing, but I’d love to hear your thoughts about this literary gem with regards to what many agents are seeking and selling today. Thanks!

  19. Shelley — Wouldn’t you know it, she’s my dream editor, too. 🙂 It is a quiet story and that’s why, unfortunately, I think it missed out on getting the attention it deserves. Character-driven MG is a hard market. There’s room for it, of course, and the gems, like LOVE, AUBREY, will go on to sell, but it’s a tougher sell from the agent perspective than it was a few years ago. That doesn’t make me want to stop trying, though, because it’s one of my favorite types of stories.

  20. Thanks for the quick response! It’s nice to know there is some room for “quiet.”

  21. Pingback: legitimate theater
  22. Congratulations on your recent sale to Flux–The book sound amazing–And, yes, I’m stalking you!

  23. I have a question–Not burning, thank goodness! Over on Verla’s board, I see a lot of questions and concern over age and how to apply that to what age level you are writing for. I have to confess, I don’t think about that too much, especially when I have a good premise, or great character. Do you, as an agent, pass on manuscripts that say they are written for YA, but you believe they are actually MG. Or, would you have a conversation with the author to see how strongly they felt about the age catagory.
    Boy, I hope this makes sense. Thanks!

  24. WOWSA!! You go girl =D BIG Congrats…go have a well deserved beer tonight and imagine your hand covered in beer as I give you a big cheers 🙂

  25. Oops, I meant to post my above comment in the, “You just got an amazing blog award category.” 🙂

  26. As someone who was at the conference. May I say you have some mad dancing skills.

  27. “Ghosts, murders, mystery. Ghosts, ghosts, ghosts. Did I mention ghosts? I like them less old-fashioned-spook and more creepy-under-your-skin. A MG or YA with any of these 3 elements would be absolutely great!”

    Have any examples of ghost stories that you especically liked/loved that were creepy-under-your-skin?

  28. Enjoyed your lecture last night. You really explained the pulse of the children’s publishing world as it is now. You also showed great patience answering some of those questions. Thanks. Can’t wait for the next one.

  29. Just discovered your site a few weeks ago… from Kathy Temean’s blog as of November 2010.

    Wonderful!! Barb

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