One good and well-meaning piece of advice floating around online is: do your literary agent research and query an agent if your project is similar to what they already represent. This makes total sense, right? If they liked it once, they have a high chance of liking it again and representing your similar project.
And this is, like I said, good advice regarding how to find a literary agent for children’s books. It encourages you to do literary agent research and to choose your submission list carefully and with good reason.

Disadvantages to Querying Agents Based on Subject Matter
On the other hand, though, you could set yourself up for disappointment by approaching how to find a literary agent for children’s books in this way. There are two ways to miss the mark with this strategy. An agent’s deals on Publishers Marketplace, where a lot of writers get information about books an agent has sold, are usually for books that haven’t come out yet, if the deal is recent. That means you can’t find the book and check it out. The agent knows that book better than you do, then, so they know for sure whether your project and their existing project are similar or not. If you see that they sold a mermaid project recently, and you have a mermaid project, those two projects could be similar in subject matter, sure, but maybe they’re actually completely different: yours is a frothy romp, the sold project is a dark tragedy. So you never know for sure.
Look for These Similarities
This brings up a very important point: when you’re ready to find a literary agent, you should look for similarities in tone, voice, style, characterization…not just subject matter. It’s the subject matter that could get you in trouble, but those other elements, themes, and craft considerations, could get you through the door. Why? Read on!
If your book is too similar to an agent’s existing sale, the agent could pass on your project because it could, in fact, be competition. And an agent doesn’t want to compete with his or herself, meaning they don’t want to sell two books that would take business away from each other when on the same bookstore shelves. An agent wants all their clients to do well. If they sell too many similar books, they are cannibalizing their own list, especially if the books are slated to come out around the same time. So if you approach how to find a literary agent for children’s books by citing previous projects that are too close, you may get a pass from that agent you were hoping to work with.
Disadvantages to Being “Known” for a Certain Type of Book
The other side of the coin is for the agents themselves. I’ve spoken to a lot of agents who are frustrated because they have become “known” for a certain type of book. And, for the reasons stated above, they can’t sell too much of that type of book without doing potential damage to existing clients’ titles. So they want to branch out and do other things…but writers keep sending them the type of book they’re known for.
For example, Stephenie Meyers’ agent is Jodi Reamer, at Writers House. I haven’t personally read Jodi’s slush, but I could make a very educated guess and say that it probably contains a lot of vampire books. Why? Because Jodi has a very well-known track record with vampires.
But do you think Jodi will jump on every vampire manuscript that comes along and risk a) cannibalizing Stephenie’s book sales (as if that was possible!) or b) try to place yet another vampire book in a crowded vampire market? I can’t say “no” for sure, but that would be my best guess.
Do Your Literary Agent Research, But…
So I would say that literary agent research is really important, but you may find that the common ground you think you have with an agent may actually decrease your chances of placing a manuscript with them. Unless, of course, you don’t use subject matter as your criteria for similarity. There are many other ways in which books can be similar.
For example, “My book has vampires, just like your client Stephenie Meyers’ book!” may not get you far, but “This book has a romantic feel and a star-crossed relationship at the heart of it” or “This manuscript has a sarcastic tone that reminded me of another book on your list” might, since those themes and voices, not the subject matter of the story, are attractive to the agent.
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Thanks for the advice!
Again Mary, you’ve posted about a question that has been in my mind. I recently wrote to an author whose book was similar in tone, voice, and age to what I hope my wip becomes. She told me who her agent is and I did wonder if this is someone I should approach in the future? Your post has given me great points to consider. Thanks.
I totally agree! Premise/subject isn’t the whole story. I’ve fallen into the “I’ve read too many vampire/werewolf/fairy/etc novels.” But I’ve found books that have similar subjects that are worlds different. Maggie Stiefvater’s Wolves of Mercy Falls series (Shiver and Linger) are waaaay different fare from the werewolves in Twilight. It’s the tone, the themes that really set them apart.
Funny thing is, most people know Jodi Reamer as Stephenie Meyers’ agent. But she’s also John Green’s agent – very different from Meyers. And Aprilynne Pike’s agent too – different from both.
Just goes to show that research is waaaay important if you wanna make a good impression! Thanks for the reminder – I needed it, lol.
Thanks for the post, Mary! Looks like it’ll be good to research agents’ books as much as possible when submitting.
Wow. Very interesting post. Thanks.
Great points, Mary. Makes total sense.
Happy Friday!
Great post!
This makes complete sense. And it gives me hope, since I’m NOT writing about vampires or werewolves! (I’m writing about other paranormal things instead.)
Thanks for the insight, Mary. I’ve wondered about it before–since I get sick of reading too many similar books in the same genre, agents must get tired of it in their slush.
I hadn’t thought about agents having to avoid competition with their other books out there, but it makes sense. As does looking for voice and style similarities, because once I find a style I enjoy, I rarely get tired of reading ones similar to it.
So if anyone out there is writing novels about ghost rockers and volcanoes, STAY AWAY from Mary, alright?
Although, if you are writing about that stuff, I’m worried about you. For real.
Thanks for another tiemly post Mary. I was thinking about this and your description of how to describe the essence of one’s novel, confirms how I was considering descibing my own WIP. You’re always a great resource!
Thanks for this, Mary. I especially appreciate the examples at the end that clarify the difference between subject matter vs. theme and tone.
Thanks for the insight, Mary. It can seem so overwhelming, when I start doing research into agents and their client lists. This is very helpful advice.
jmartinlibrary – volcanoes? My husband’s a volcanologist. If you need any info, let me know! (In return, I expect a signed copy of published book once it’s out, of course!)
You know, I’d never thought of it like that, but you make a lot of sense.
Thanks for sharing, Mary 🙂
Franziska–That is so COOL. Talk about a neat-o job title. I’d be all over the place at parties introducing him: “So, you’re a dental hygienist? Meet my friend…the VOLCANOLOGIST!”
Thanks for the offer. I’ll remember that if questions come up!
Thanks for offering such solid, sensible advice time and again.
I just hope the next new trend comes along soon. I’m ready for a refreshing change. Thanks for the great advice.