I’ve been thinking a lot about how to promote a book and social media marketing for writers. Every week, I get emails offering guest posts, articles, contests, programs, services, etc. The well-meaning writer always says that they’re offering me an opportunity. My blog and social media channels are pretty humble, but I do get a fair amount of beautiful, wise, talented readers. I’ve been around a long time. It’s not surprising that I come up on search engines and in rankings for people who are looking to market their whatever.

How to Promote a Book: Why I Turn Down Marketing Offers
On principle, I turn their offers down, because I don’t want to use this blog to sell stuff. (Other than the occasional reminder about my book and services, of course. A girl’s gotta eat!) I won’t feature someone’s guest post, unless they’re someone I know personally or professionally and I like their idea. I resist the idea of flooding my readers with a product or app when I know the average writer struggles with the very idea of scraping together enough focus to practice their craft.
The last thing I want to do is sell my website out. I don’t want to give people guest post slots (with a few notable exceptions over the years). This is my blog, and you come here for my articles. I’m not going to dilute my voice or credibility by letting John Doe publish his “101 Tips for Classroom Success” article (more on this example later). I’m not going to muck up my Resources page by putting any product or service that comes my way. Those are resources I found and loved on my own. They are tried and true, in my eyes. That space can’t be bought.
It’s not an “opportunity” for me. It’s marketing people doing their marketing thing. I get it. How do you get attention for your goods or services? This game has changed completely with the advent of the Internet, and the advent of analytics for said Internet. Now, in addition to trying to score hits in traditional media, people with something to sell are contacting tastemakers with lots of followers. All in the hopes of a mention, a link, and a boost.
What’s In It For Me and My Readers?
I’m not against this practice at all. I sent hundreds of emails when my book came out. I market my editorial services once or twice a year to my mailing list. But I think that the focus of any good marketing piece is, “What’s in it for me?” That’s the question I’m always asking as someone with a blog that gets a certain number of eyeballs. Because I want to always deliver value to my readers. I want them to come here for information, not author marketing and sponsored posts and all sorts of other garbage.
And THIS, ladies and gentlemen, this is what makes social media marketing for writers so damn difficult!
Guest Posts Have to Offer Relevant, Valuable Perspective
I’ve just spoken as a person turning down a lot of solicitations. Now, it’s true that I get author marketing requests for people’s individual book projects. When someone writes to me and says, “I wrote this book, I’d like for you to help get the message out,” in my head, I ask, “What’s in it for me?” The answer, again, in my head, is always, “Um, a good…book?” And 99% of the time, that’s just not compelling enough for me to amplify your message. The one exception is the recent guest post I did about a book that was published via a crowdfunding platform. Why? Because I found the process compelling, the writer is a client of mine, and I wanted to hear how it was going.
I wanted to hear how it was really going, mind you. When she sent her first guest post draft, it was full of hearts and unicorns about how great everything was. I wrote back and pushed her to give me the peaks and valleys, the obstacles, the real story. Because I owe you more than a fluff piece. You’ll notice that the article in question wasn’t about the book at all. It had something for my audience about a new publishing platform.
As the curator (major cringe for that word now that everything is “curated” and “artisanal”) of this site, I was asking, “What’s in it for me…and my readers?” That particular guest post passed the test. As did another series about a Kickstarter funded graphic novel that didn’t make it.
How to Promote a Book: Three Tips
There is, I believe, a lesson here for those of you who are researching how to promote a book. Because the hard truth is, even once you’ve achieved the major milestone of being published, your work is not done. (The uninitiated may be surprised to discover that the answer to “what does a literary agent do?” is a pretty limited scope of tasks.) You’re still on the hook to contribute to your own success. You have to become a marketing person. And almost everyone will give you the advice of finding people who are tastemakers in your respective subject area, and reaching out to them to pitch your work.
I have the biases I’ve expressed above. I happen to have high standards for featuring stuff. If you want to succeed with someone like me (and believe me, it’s a bigger success to place your story with someone who has standards than with someone who loves free shit and will blog about anything), you need to ask yourself, as if you were the tastemaker, “What’s in it for me? What’s in it for my readers?”
First Tip
Usually, it’s not going to be just your story. But something interesting about your story. You wrote it entirely on a train. It’s the first novel written by AI. You were declared medically dead and it came to you while you were out. What is interesting about it? What is something I can blog about and find exciting? What is something my readers might like? Pitch from that angle.
Second Tip
And here’s a second bonus tip. Remember how my example article, above, was something about the classroom? Well, my blog is Kidlit.com, and my search terms are (among other things) children’s books. You might be totally justified in thinking that this blog is a resource for children, or about children’s books themselves (like a review site), or about children’s reading habits, or whatever. But you would be wrong.
My site’s audience consists of passionate writers who aspire to write or are actively involved in writing children’s books for publication. It’s a very specific audience. So if you don’t do your research on my site, see the words “kid” and “lit,” and email me a great opportunity to hawk your children’s educational resource for you, you will fall flat.
Author marketing is a numbers game. You have to send X emails to get something from even 1% of your targets. It’s discouraging. But if you approach it from the angle of pretending to be the site owner and asking, “What’s in it for me?” AND if you target specific sites which have an audience in common with you, you will have more luck.
Third Tip
AND A THIRD BONUS TIP. As writers for babies, children, tweens, and teens, your marketing audience (most likely) isn’t actual children. There are very few places where children under 13 can legally be online. Your marketing audience is the people buying stuff for those children, and the educators and librarians of those children.
Want more stuff regarding how to promote a book? I recently wrote a somewhat related post about editors who write marketing their own work.
Hire me as your book editor so you have a strong project to market.
A couple of months ago I read a comment by a literary agent who scoffed at the idea that books sell because they’re “topical.” He was appalled by the number of authors who attribute their commercial success to the fact that their themes were hot issues in the news. He insisted readers don’t care about things like that, and what really sells books is great writing. (As you can guess, this agent represents literary fiction.)
It’s true that readers won’t pick up a book just because it has topical themes. But topicality means people are more likely to hear about it and even consider buying it. Journalists don’t give a sugar cube about “great writing.” Radio hosts have no reason to talk for twenty minutes about how ingeniously an author crafted her sentences. They need subjects their audiences will find interesting.
This is an inescapable reality, but it kind of leaves the average author high and dry. How many of us write our novels while medically dead?
Shifting between writing and marketing has been a huge challenge for me as I think it might be for every person who sets out to be an author. I often think how much simpler it would have been if I’d set out to be a marketer, then found my way into writing stories. An interesting cart before the horse issue in my mind.
The question is why I feel this way. And I think it’s because my natural talent isn’t marketing. Marketing is something forced upon me to support my passion–to show people what I think of as my talent. My alternative is to write for myself and tuck my work away on my own shelf. It is an option. It’s just not one I guess my ego will allow at this time.
Thanks for the thoughtful post and the Tips.
Hi Mary – A while back, I’d come across some kind of internal publishing house document used (I think) after the book passed the hurdle of a second read but before an offer was made. It focused on how/whether the marketing team could sell it (not just audience estimates, but also how easy the concept was to communicate, etc.) It was eye opening to see the cold reality of how a book is viewed by the people who have no real connection to the project (like the agent and editor and writer do) but who are tasked with selling it. It helped to have those thoughts in mind as I crafted my next concept. Have you seen such a thing? I know I’m forgetting what all went into it …