Pitching your project to an agent or publisher doesn’t have to be scary! Make it easy (well, easier) with our free Manuscript Submission Cheat Sheet: 27 pages of friendly, helpful information for writers ready to take the next step.
It’s written by Mary Kole, a veteran literary agent, editor, and publishing industry insider who knows how the system works.
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If you’d like more in-depth and personalized advice that I can give on this blog, please visit my Mary Kole Editorial website, to learn how you can work with me directly on your query letter, manuscript, or other writing-related project. Editorial inquiries can be sent directly to marykoleeditorial@gmail.com
Dedicated readers know that I don’t advertise on this blog. There’s only one exception: If I find a resource that I fully believe is worth your time and money, I will absolutely share it. That’s exactly the case with Writing Blueprints online courses, created by Children’s Book Insider. There are courses for picture book, chapter book, MG and YA, self-publishing, marketing, and more.

And now, you can buy my very own Manuscript Submission Blueprint, with over ten hours of instruction, 35+ handouts, sample query letters, and interviews about all facets of the submission process to agents and publishers for all writers, for writers in all categories. If you’re curious, you can find free trial versions of all the Manuscript Blueprints here.
Writing and publishing can be confusing. Not only do you have to hone your writing craft in today’s market, you also have to become savvy about the business end of things. I’d love to answer any questions you have. Please remember, anything you send can be featured on the site. Reach out here: mary@kidlit.com
Just a note: I will only answer general questions about the craft of writing, agents, editors or publishing. Do not ask for feedback or critique, please. Also, please keep your questions to a reasonable length. If you find you have a more involved question that will benefit from you reading your work ahead of time, please feel free to book a paid consultation using my calendar.
I sell a lot of my classes on-demand on Udemy, priced for maximum accessibility!
You can work your way through them at your leisure, and watch as many times as you’d like, with no expiration date.
Check out my Udemy instructor page to see what I’m offering, including my awesome Crafting Dynamic Characters course, created in partnership with Writing Mastery Academy and Jessica Brody.