Check Out My Super Cool New Header!

My fantastic client Josh Ferrin designed an incredible new header image for the blog. It is so awesome! I am so happy. Leave your header love in the comments.

You can see more from Josh at his website.

45 Replies to “Check Out My Super Cool New Header!”

  1. Holy Adorable, Batman!!!
    I love the new look and I love that it was drawn just for you, not just an image you found somewhere out there. Weeee!

  2. Oooh that’s a pretty header!

  3. Ha! Love it. It’s exactly how I imagine my kids while they are reading books they like.

    Love to Josh!

  4. That is an incredible piece of artwork! Very cool!

  5. (You should make KidLit t-shirts from that. I’d buy!)

  6. Are your eyes really that big in real life? 🙂

    Definitely conveys the right tone: FUN.

  7. Awwww, thanks all! I’m just a little sad that I couldn’t squeeze a ninja in there too.

  8. Josh — THERE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A NINJA?!?!?!? Back to the drawing board, Ferrin!

  9. Jonathan S says:

    Yes! Add ninja please!!! 🙂

    It really is a marvelous banner, but I would guess Mary’s eyes are only that big when she’s reading a submission she really, really likes.

  10. That’s so cute. And after watching your video on Write On Con, I can imagine that’s just what you looked like as a kid. All that’s missing is the rubix cube.

  11. Who was it suggested T-shirts? Love that idea, and I would definitely buy a couple. Umm…Josh, can you do that? Oh…er…I’m kinda glad it doesn’t have a ninja…actually, I think the ‘gator probably ate the ninja.

  12. Love it! Much more personal than your old header, and so fun! Nice job!

  13. Adorable! I particularly like the eyeball in the magnifying glass.

  14. So adorable! Gives kidlit a fun effect 😀

    Josh: What medium did he use? Is this illustrator?

  15. AbFab — no rubik’s cube, though? 😉

  16. @Elizabeth Prats: Yup! I sketched it out in pencil, scanned the sketch and did the rest of it in illustrator. Oh, and a little texturing in photoshop.

  17. So cute and creative. Love the new look.

  18. Joseph Miller says:

    I love your new header! It’s shiny! 😉

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