
Do the Write Thing for Nashville

My favorite thing about children’s publishing is that it’s really a community, above all. I don’t know of a more supportive, loving and nourishing group of people, and I’m so happy to be a part of it.

Every now and then, members of our community, friends, and colleagues come together to mount a truly heroic effort in the face of disaster. My client, Amanda Morgan, and a group of other writers (including the fabulous Victoria Schwab) have witnessed the flood devastation in central Tennessee firsthand…and they’re doing something about it.

These wonderful ladies — with donations from many people — are putting on an auction over the next few days. You can check it out here:

Blog: Do the Write Thing for Nashville
Facebook: Do the Write Thing for Nashville

How it works:

Exciting book/publishing/writing-related items are posted every day and interested parties have exactly three days to bid in the blog comments to win the item they want. The highest amount bid by someone in comments wins the auction item. The winner pays by PayPal, gets a receipt for their taxes and receives the critique, book, phone call, or whatever, that they bid on. All auction proceeds go to the Community Foundation of Central Tennessee to provide disaster relief.

Here’s where I’m hoping you come in.

I have donated the following items and they will become available over the course of the auction:

  • one query critique
  • one PB manuscript critique
  • one YA or MG manuscript critique (of one manuscript of 100,000 words or less, please. This one is really special, guys. I have never offered a full manuscript critique before because they are so in-depth and time-consuming. You won’t get another opportunity like this unless you become a client!)

My auction items will become available over the next several days. If you love Kidlit, if you’ve ever wanted to be critiqued by me, if you want a really in-depth look at your manuscript, if you’ve got some spare tax refund cash lying around, even if you’ve never heard of me but love to help people in need…please bid generously to support the writing community and the greater community of central Tennessee.

So check out the Do the Write Thing for Nashville Facebook page and blog to see if you can bid on a critique from me or any of the other fantastic items generously donated by my colleagues in publishing. I can’t wait to see all the good we can do together. Now go and bid on something, the first items have just been listed. None of my items have popped up yet, but keep checking back, and bid on some other goodies in the meantime.

To all the writers who blog and Tweet and Facebook and post on Verla Kay and Absolute Write: please get the word out about this auction and about the items I’m offering (not in an annoying, spammy way, though, please). Even if you can’t bid on an item, lend a helping hand by spreading the word!

29 Replies to “Do the Write Thing for Nashville”

  1. Thanks for sharing this, Mary! It’s amazing what the writing community can do when we put our minds to it.

  2. Very cool. Just posted on Verla’s.

  3. Amber McPhee says:

    Seriously, this is a brilliant idea. Just had a look at the blog, and it’s like the first few lines of how a story should be, I’m HOOKED.


  4. This is great. I’m writing up today’s blog post about it right now. Thanks Mary:)

  5. Fantastic! Love this idea.

  6. You’re so kind to donate such amazing opportunities for the auction. I already plan on bidding, but now I know to keep an eye out for these donations from you.

    I’m ashamed to admit it, but until I read about the auction on a friend’s blog yesterday, I had no idea there had been flooding. I really must spend some time watching the news and catching up on current events.

  7. This is great, thanks Mary. I just sent over an email offering one of my paintings for donation and I wouldn’t be surprised if Mary’s critiques get bids in the millions!

  8. I’ve been offline for a few weeks, but this was wonderful news to come back to. Super idea!
    I’ll blog and I’ll bid – thanks Mary!

  9. Kudos — yeah, that full MS critique will draw some fairly high bids. Very generous.

  10. Well, of course my first choice is to be one of your clients, but I would love to bid on a critique and offer support, any way I can. I didn’t see anything about you or with your name over on the blog. What am I doing wrong?

    And thanks for helping out a worthy cause.

  11. All — My items aren’t up for auction YET but they will be in the next few days. Thank you so much for your interest and support…I can’t wait to see how it all plays out!

  12. Mary, Is there a time limit for when we’d need to get the full MS to you?

  13. Great idea!

    A teenager in my neighborhood, who recently died of a brain tumor, spent his last months organizing a fundraiser like this. It raised lots of money and awareness for his chosen cause, and also brought our little community together in a big way.

  14. Marybk — If you end up winning the critique, I can do it at your convenience and you can get it to me whenever. I don’t want a not-yet-ready manuscript to prevent anyone from bidding!

  15. I’m a poor college student and can’t bid on anything but I’ll be sure to donate to the relief fund. This was such a wonderful idea- snaps for Amanda, Myra, and Victoria!

  16. Ooooh, Marybk, so glad you asked that question. That’s a game changer!

  17. This is a great thing! So glad the writing community has gotten together to pull this off. I’m a poor college student too, but if I can’t win a bid, I’ll surely donate. I’ve shouted it out on my FB and twitter and will put up a blog. Thanks for contributing your brilliance, lady!

  18. Don Cummer says:

    I’m with KellieD and Marybk. Can we bid if we’re in the middle of rewriting a WIP?

  19. I KNEW I should have help onto my tax refund for an occasion like this. Dang it!

    Way to give back. Do the Write Thing is a spectacular cause.

  20. *Looks around, whispers.*

    Don, Mary said you can bid…four comments above KellyD. But, shhhh! Don’t tell anyone else, mmm-kay?

  21. Diana Murray says:

    Thanks, Mary! A worthy cause and great auction items. Good thing my refund just posted to my account. 🙂

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