
Great News!

In much more fantastic news, Kidlit has been picked as one of the Writer’s Digest 101 Best Websites for Writers. I’m one of 5 agent blogs chosen for this honor! My readers are a huge part of this success, and I want to thank you all so much!

Here’s a link to the announcement on Chuck Sambuchino’s blog. You can also see it on newsstands in the May/June issue of Writer’s Digest.


50 Replies to “Great News!”

  1. WOWSA!! You go girl =D BIG Congrats…go have a well deserved beer tonight and imagine your hand covered in beer as I give you a big cheers 🙂

  2. Joseph Miller says:

    Congrats! This is well deserved! 😉

  3. That is so awesome. I love your blog and I quote you all the time to people.
    Congratulations. ALso so sorry about your cat. So hard to have sick animals. My dog died this past winter and it was awful – still miss her. They become so much apart of our lives.

  4. Congratulations. I always find your blog full of great advice and information, especially the query critiques you did a few weeks ago. Sorry about your cat.

  5. Diana Murray says:

    Congratulations!!! I love this blog.

  6. Congratualations!! I couldn’t agree more with their choice. Your blog is one of my favorites 🙂

  7. Well yay!!! Congrats, Mary! It is a fantastic blog, and I’m glad more writers will find it now!

  8. You totally deserve it — this blog has been amazingly helpful. Thank you!!

  9. Congrats — and it’s about time! You have been so helpful to us writers out there 🙂

  10. Wahoo! This is me doing the happy dance…


    I know. I have to work on my moves. And my hair.

  11. Yippee!! You deserve it and what a day to get such great news.

  12. Absolutely deserved! Thank you for being here!

  13. I love when I heartily agree with an award decision! Congratulations, Mary!

  14. Awesome. I’m not surprised at all. 🙂 You have a great blog here.

  15. Congratulations, Mary! Woo hoo!

  16. Congratulations! I always feel so smart when I’m already following a blog that gets recognition.

    Very much deserved!

  17. That is such exciting news! And well deserved. I love your blog. There’s a ton of good information here (and you are so nice, to boot).

  18. Very well deserved! I recommend this site to writers all the time.

  19. Well done! I use the information and advice on your blog al the time!

  20. Wow! Congratulations!
    Thanks for being so generous with your time and knowledge, and for working hard to give us such valuable advice.

  21. You deserve it, Mary. Your posts are thoughtful, helpful, and generally excellent, and the help you’ve given so many of us to find critique partners will result in some excellent books. Brava. Much applause.

  22. Yay! And I agree, it is one of the best. I certainly enjoy it.

  23. Well of course! and…the only one in the kid lit world too. You’re famous.

  24. What. You’re surprised? I know it’s called “Kidlit” but I refer writers from all genres to your blog. This is well deserved. Congratulations.

  25. You absolutely deserve it. Thank you for every bit of knowledge and advice you’ve provided on your blog. And for holding contests as well. Congratulations to you.

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