Happy Holidays!

As most of publishing slumbers, I’m going on a quick holiday blogcation and will refrain from posting until Monday, December 28th. In the meantime, read over old posts, share your thoughts in the comments or, you know, step away from the computer and go spend time with loved ones. This blog won’t be able to hoist a glass of champagne or eggnog and warble through the canon of Christmas carols like only your tipsy extended family can!

Revision-o-Rama will return for a few posts at the end of the month (And the end of the year! Can you believe it?) with some exercises and “action items” for you all as you continue with your writing and revising into 2010.

And since I believe in gratitude and looking around every once in a while to say, “Wow, my life is awesome!”… I want to thank all of you readers and comment-leavers and writers for making Kidlit’s first year such a success and a great experience, both for me and for the other writers who visit. May this holiday season and the new year bring you all love, happiness, writing mojo, and, of course, closer to the end of a Million Bad Words!

4 Replies to “Happy Holidays!”

  1. Thanks, Mary, for all your efforts. Really glad I found your blog. Happy Holidays!

  2. Yay, we only have to wait until Monday. I’m definitely delay querying until you finished your revision series. I especially loved the description and voice advice.

    Thanks for all your great advice. Have a great holiday!

  3. Stina, I’m with you on the delaying thing. Each post I’ve read has given me ideas for polishing up my stories, even the supposedly ‘finished’ ones!

    Happy holidays to all!

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