Pardon My Digital Dust!

Please excuse the slightly messy look of the blog that you might be seeing. After eight years (which is, like, forever in Internet time) with the same theme and design, I’ve decided to join my peers in the spiffy digital future.

My new blog theme is much more user-friendly and, best of all, mobile-friendly, very important these days, as people browse on all their various devices.

Website Frenzy

As you can probably tell if you saw my announcement about my freelance editorial site,, I woke up this January on a mission: to revamp my online presence. But I’m a one-woman show. So there are going to be some bumps and hiccups and probably some things that look weird or don’t work. These are the growing pains of trying to be one’s own webmaster (with a little coding help behind the scenes).

Embrace this beautiful mess!  I’m sure I’ll have everything tuned up exactly the way I want it soon. In the meantime, enjoy the same great content you’ve come to trust from as I work to make your experience even better!

One Reply to “Pardon My Digital Dust!”

  1. Tim Schwarz says:

    Don’t worry Mary, I’ve worked in Digital Marketing for the last ten years and these sorts of changes are always pretty tough! Both technically and seeing users getting used to something new. Thinking mobile first is a very positive step. And the great thing is that iterative changes can be done as you go. Rome wasn’t built in a day!

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